Sunday, October 21, 2012

PuTTy Fatal Error - Network error: Software caused connection abort [SOLVED]

In order to prevent this error after some time of inactivity you can do the following:

PuTTy Fatal Error - Network error - Software caused connection abort

1- Open Putty and go to "Connection".

2- Change the "Seconds between keepalives" to a number higher than zero. 120 should be good.

3- Now go to Session and save as "Default Settings"

4- Done! Now every time you launch a SSH session with Putty, these settings will be used.

Comments welcomed!


  1. This just saved me.. Thank you!

  2. after I used your technique, Network error : Connection refused

    How to fix it??

    1. Hi Irkham,

      I have not experienced such issue. Typically, connection refused is due that the SSH server is not accessible (e.g. firewall blocking, sshd not running, wrong IP address...). Can you recheck your config?


  3. Hiiii,

    I think this error "PuTTy Fatal Error - Network error: Software caused connection abort" comes because of network relatd problem and solution which you given is for error like "Connection time out"............can u confirm it and reply for solution on error "PuTTy Fatal Error - Network error: Software caused connection abort"....

